The lovable trans gal who created two guys that don't like to get along all the time. Also, “Boot-Up" is an amazing show. I really mean that. Profile Pic by Jettie

Dozer “Daisy” Davis @DozerDavis

Age 17, Female


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Joined on 10/6/23

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DozerDavis's News

Posted by DozerDavis - March 30th, 2024

Well, it looks like I went AFK with this page, huh?

I apologize if I haven’t been posting any art as of recent. I felt like I needed some sort of break from posting my artwork for a bit, and the fact that I am now working on a feature film is kinda getting in the way of things. Hope to get back into posting my artwork soon, as I have a lot to share with you all!!!

Thanks for understanding, DDP



Posted by DozerDavis - February 7th, 2024


So… I made a character persona reference sheet if anyone wants to make a drawing of me or something like that. If anyone wants to draw me, that would be cool, but you don’t have to. I just made this for fun.


Posted by DozerDavis - February 4th, 2024


Yeah, I took a break from posting anything for about the whole month of January, but I’m doing well so far this year! I just wanted to make this post to confirm that I’m back from that break and I’m totally ready to share you guys my new pieces of artwork. I can’t wait to see how 2024 plays out!



Posted by DozerDavis - January 1st, 2024


Behold, my art summary page for 2023! 

Man, my art style has improved A LOT within the past year, especially since the “Boot-Up” stuff has a huge impact on my style. You can tell I’ve improved on how I’ve made the “Two Guys” stuff too, as they went through a redesign in order to prepare for the “Guys” project.

Hope everyone has a happy new year, I wish everyone for the best in 2024!



Posted by DozerDavis - December 21st, 2023

AUDITION HERE: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/guys


From Dozer Davis Productions, the guy who bought you all of those “guy” shorts… brings you yet another “guy” thing, but it’s a movie.

"GUYS", an animated buddy comedy feature film produced by Dozer Davis Productions, follows Max Anderson, a very nice & caring employee working at the biggest corporation in town, meeting Ryan Collins, a very mean employee who got fired from his job at a techno studio by accident. An accidental turn of events involving a secret corporation project propaganda ends our two guys out in the middle of nowhere. Confident that they'll find a way back to Crateville, Max & Ryan try to make the chase back home before it's too late. This film is based on "The Two Guys" short film by Dozer Davis, and it will follow very loosely from the plot of the short, with a new plot thrown in. The film's primary goal is to feel like it's a late-1990's comedy. 

This project is a passion project of mine, and getting this made is gonna take a hard amount of effort and a LOT of time to get it complete. With this link to the casting call page, you can find all of the open roles that we have currently for the project, including animators, voice actors, editors, storyboard artists, etc! If you get accepted to any of these roles, you will be given an invitation to a private Discord server, where you can hang out with others & help out with making the movie come to life. If you don't have a Discord, we will be able to find some alternatives for you to send me your work. The goal is to reach a release date sometime between 2026 and 2027, if not, by the end of the decade for sure. So, if you're looking to help, go ahead and submit an audition!!!



Posted by DozerDavis - December 8th, 2023


A feature-length “GUYS” script has been written. The first draft is complete, and it is currently being mapped out on how production will be handled. The starting date for production is unknown at this time, and this also applies to a release date. However, judging from a previous announcement, this will release after Two Guys Short #4, in which the creator confirms that the short is NOT CANNON to the movie in any shape or form. Once it releases, you might see why.



Posted by DozerDavis - November 24th, 2023

Yet another two weeks have passed, so now you have another announcement! Unsure on how much longer I can do something every two weeks, but here we are anyway.


Today is another special announcement, and it has to relate to the older shorts that I made. If you were the very few people who actually got to see the original shorts, you might've started to notice that they have since become outdated in terms of how they're designed. However, to preserve these shorts, I am announcing tonight that I will be re-animating ALL of the classic shorts prior to Camera Shy (RELEASING IN THE SUMMER OF 2024!!!!) in order to blend in a bit more with the current timeline! This includes the following:

  1. How To Do Christmas (12-15-2022)
  2. Unruled Cinemas "Policy" snipe (1-21-2023)
  3. The Single Show (2-14-2023)
  4. The Two Guys (3-7-2023)
  5. Waiting (5-24-2023)

The "redux" versions of the cartoons are implemented in a way as to where they will still capture the original spirit of their original counterparts, which as stated earlier, will still be available online. This WILL NOT BE a George Lucas situation, guys. Don't worry. HOWEVER, I may add some things into the REDUX shorts that weren't there in the original, like the addition of implementing some LORE into a scene. As of writing, How To Do Christmas REDUX has a finished 4K render, however the color-grade & sound mix has not been finished yet. The closest date I may probably release this will be on December 1st (which is also Boot-Up's 1st anniversary date, mind you), however don't expect it then.

I can't wait for you all to see these newly remastered "REDUX" series shorts, as I am happy to be doing these shorts in my spare time!!!


Posted by DozerDavis - November 7th, 2023

Hello again.

Guess I’m going to make a news post every two weeks from what it looks like, but today I have another special announcement for you.


I’m unsure if I have revealed this anywhere or not, but I am a big fan of the movie Cars. I grew up with it, and love everything that the first film had to offer in terms of the storytelling, characters, environment, and even its score. Today, I have done the unthinkable. I have been working on a project that compiles all of this film’s physical releases (excluding international releases, in which a later update may provide that if I can find resources for those releases) that were put on store shelves here in the USA (plus the one Canadian exclusive and the non-physical exclusives that came with the original DVD from 2006) since the theatrical release in June 2006. Oh, and take a guess why I’m posting it today… I’m unsure if I’m going to make a video version of the list, but I am happy to share that the Google Docs page for the spreadsheet is now available to the public. I hope you all enjoy!


Oh, and Camera Shy is going good. Still haven’t gotten Romano’s lines yet, but that’s okay. I haven’t even told him that it’s time to do them yet.


Posted by DozerDavis - October 22nd, 2023


It’s been a solid two weeks since I’ve updated you all about my projects (or myself in general), so why don’t I update you all tonight with a special announcement about Two Guys?


If you have been following me on my YouTube channel, cleverly titled Dozer Davis Productions, you might already know about the “Camera Shy” project, in which I can confirm that it is almost complete. I am currently working on the sound mix as I speak and animating lip-sync movement for the short. There are a few people that need to get their lines recorded, like my friend Romano who has a big role in this short. Other than that, it’s about 65% complete, I’ll probably say. I’m hoping to get it out around November, in the off-chance that it could coincide with Home Media History Episode 3 (Toy Story; 1996-2023), but we’ll see… I’d say keep your eyes out for that one.


However, there’s an even bigger announcement than that. I am officially confirming here that The Two Guys will get a 4th short sometime in 2024, as it is currently entering early development with a draft script already completed. I’m not going to spoil what the plot of the short is, as if I do, it might go outdated before it even releases. All that I will say now is that it is being worked on, so be prepared to catch that whenever it gets completed.


Besides that, I am still planning on making more art on my Newgrounds account. You guys (especially @DannyMB24) sure love them, and that's all that matters to me. I don’t care if they get very little views, or low ratings (Prior “Two Guys” installments have gotten a 3-star average rating), all I care about is making people happy with my work. I do wish to also work with the people that I love to watch as well someday, but I digress. I’m not that greedy. Well, that’s all I got for now. I’ll see you all later!



Posted by DozerDavis - October 6th, 2023


If you know me from YouTube & Discord, then you might already know me. But if you don't, I will tell you about who I am for a brief moment.

My name is Dozer Davis, and I am the same person who created "The Two Guys", which has grown an "underground community" of sorts, consisting of only 5 or 10 people. I am also the guy who uploaded "THX Life", a fan-edit featuring a THX trailer history under their 40 year lifespan. On YouTube, I am practically famous for that. Otherwise, I am mostly someone who likes to help with other projects, and one day aims to work for both PIXAR & HaylaStudios. I'm sure the latter studio actually has some of their works on this site too, and that I really like because "Boot-Up", which is their current production, is REALLY FUCKING AWESOME!

I also voice act, and have a demo on YouTube currently up there if you want to check that out if your looking for a voice actor. I'm sure I'll be posting that here someday now. This, however, was not the reason I got the role of Chariker in "Quirkmate Madness", another show featured here on Newgrounds! At least, I think it is.

But basically, I'm a fun person that likes to collect vintage VHS tapes & DVDs, a wacky cartoonist, and a really nice person who is supportive of others' work, notably "Boot-Up" & "Quirkmate Madness".

Enjoy your stay here at my newgrounds channel! There will be plenty more art & cartoons to see in the near future!

Dozer Davis, 10-6-23
